How to Screen Print Plastisol Heat Transfers
How to Screen Print Plastisol Heat Transfers

When you’re running a small business, you need to take advantage of the technology and techniques that will help you increase efficiency while still providing quality products to customers.

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Finding a Niche with Oversized and All-Over Screen Printing
Finding a Niche with Oversized and All-Over Screen Printing

Feeling squeezed by the restrictions of a standard-sized screen print? If your creativity can’t be contained in your usual print size, you may want to give oversized printing a try. To really push the envelope, you can print whole backs and fronts of shirts, or even try all-over printing.

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7 Screen Printing Practices That Will Improve Your Finished Product
7 Screen Printing Practices That Will Improve Your Finished Product

Blurry prints. Smudged or rough ink. Improper registration. Images that wear away when washed. As a screen printer, these are some of the common problems you work to avoid. Every misprint costs money, and problem prints that make it into your customers’ hands can damage your business’s reputation.

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7 Ways to Grow Your Screen Printing Business
7 Ways to Grow Your Screen Printing Business

To survive in the t-shirt screen printing industry – let alone be successful – your business must maintain healthy relationships with its customers as well as its competitors. You could be the most experienced screen printer this side of the sun but nobody will know it without a strong presence and reputation in the field. There are many ways to build and improve your screen printing business. Here are a few suggestions that are sure to increase your visibility in the t-shirt screen printing community and attract new customers…

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How to Level Your Screen Printing Pallets in 6 Easy Steps
How to Level Your Screen Printing Pallets in 6 Easy Steps

Are you finding poor quality and misaligned prints in your production? The most probable cause is how your pallets are leveled on your screen printing press.

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3 Ways to Get an Edge with an Electric Screen Printing Machine
3 Ways to Get an Edge with an Electric Screen Printing Machine

If you’re shopping for an automatic screen printing machine, you’re probably seeing lots of different configurations to choose from. Not only do you have to figure out how many colors and what size area you want to print, you’ve also got to pick what type of power will drive your press. There are so many options, it can be overwhelming! Let’s break it down as simply as possible.

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Is an Automatic Screen Printing Press Worth It
Is an Automatic Screen Printing Press Worth It?

Visited a screen printing trade show lately? If you’re a manual printer who’s just seen an automatic press in action, you might think “there’s no way I can keep pushing a squeegee!”

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How to Reclaim Screens For Textile Printing
How to Reclaim Screens For Textile Printing

So you’ve just finished a successful print run and decided to get started on another. You go to the rack for a fresh screen but they’re nowhere to be found! Your lack of planning left you with a pile of dirty screens caked with ink. Now what?

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Discharge Ink
Discharge Ink: Add It to Your Screen Printing Arsenal?

Do you have a favorite t-shirt? You know, the soft cotton one with the soft handed, distressed print on the front? Everyone has one, and there’s a pretty good chance it was printed using water based ink. Customers love the soft feel and clean, smooth look of water based prints.

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think before printing anatol
(TH)INK Before You Screen Print

One of the most common questions we hear among beginners in the screen printing world is “what ink should I use?” To find the answer, consider another question: “what are you looking to print?”. It’s not a matter of trying to find the “best” screen printing ink in the industry, but rather finding an ink that will give you the results you need. In order to figure out what ink will best suit your project, it’s important to understand the properties and applications of different screen printing inks.

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