The Pros and Cons
The Pros and Cons of Using a Dip Tank to Reclaim Your Screen Printing Screens

How do you reclaim your screens? This might be one of the least liked jobs in the entire screen printing shop, which leads most screen printers to explore all screen cleaning options. If you’ve undertaken the search for the best way to reclaim your screens, you’ve likely come across the controversial dip tank. Some screen printers love them, touting them as time and supply savers, while other screen printers warn against them, saying they waist chemicals and produce hazardous waste.

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The Pros of Plastisol
The Pros of Plastisol: Why Plastisol Ink Is Still the Top Choice for Screen Printing

Plastisol ink transformed the screen printing industry when it was introduced to the market in the 1970s. Since then, plastisol has become the industry standard. Why is plastisol ink so popular? 

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A Guide to Common Water-Based
A Guide to Common Water-Based and Plastisol Screen Printing Ink Additives

When it comes to altering ink to get it to behave just how you want, ink additives can be invaluable. When you’re trying to get a print to look and feel just so, looking to create an eye-catching effect or printing on tricky substrates, screen printing ink additives are tools you can use to get your screen printing jobs to turn out just right. 

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Add an Extra Dimension
Add an Extra Dimension to Your Screen Printing with Puff Ink

For those who are old enough to remember, “puff ink” brings to mind neon graphics and all-over 3D designs that were all the rage in the 1980s and early 1990s. The puff ink craze might have gone out of style with the Walkman, but that doesn’t mean puff ink doesn’t have its place in modern screen print designs. When used right, puff ink can add a fun textural element to your screen prints, and if you’ve never given this specialty ink a try, it’s time to see how puff ink can transform your screen printing.

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A Starter's Guide to Decorating Team Sports Apparel
A Starter’s Guide to Decorating Team Sports Apparel

For screen printers, team apparel can generate big business. From local school sports teams to rec leagues to local colleges and universities, there’s plenty of business to be had. Contracting with a team can result in repeat business, year after year, and it brings more than just jerseys: Think  warm-up gear, hats, team jackets and fan apparel. So if your screen printing shop isn’t already churning out team apparel, it’s something you should be looking into.

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Tackling Tricky Tri-blends
Tackling Tricky Tri-blends: A Screen Printing Challenge

Tri-blend shirts have become a major force in the fashion industry since their introduction a decade ago. In the custom apparel industry, tri-blend fabrics have become a customer favorite. But these blended garments present their unique blend of decorating challenges. To be able to profit from the popularity of tri-blend garments, screen printers have to know how best to print on them.

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How to Avoid Screen Printing Misprints
How to Avoid Screen Printing Misprints (and How to Reuse Them When They Happen Anyway)

Would you like to decrease profit loss in your screen printing shop? Who wouldn’t! While there are limits on what you can do to reduce costs, one area you do have control over is quality control. In specific, you can save money and cut waste by reducing misprints.

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Expanding Your Screen Printing Shop's Repertoire
Expanding Your Screen Printing Shop’s Repertoire: How to Get Started with Flocking

Have you ever felt a soft, velvet-like screen print and wondered how the image was created? Flock printing, or flocking, creates a unique, soft texture on garments, cardstock and even on car interiors.

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What Causes Poor Screen
What Causes Poor Screen Tension and Why You Need to Avoid It

One of the most often overlooked details in screen printing is mesh tension. While brand new screens might print great, over time, your mesh tension will wear down. Poorly tensioned screens can have a major impact on print quality, even if it’s hard to notice that the mesh has become loose or saggy.

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How to Optimize Your Exposure Time
How to Optimize Your Exposure Time to Create Durable Screen Printing Stencils

There are a lot of variables that go into exposing a screen for screen printing. The opacity of your film positive, your emulsion, the type of exposure unit you’re using and even the age of your exposure unit all will affect the amount of time you need to expose your screens and the success of your stencil.

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Creating Quality Screen Printing
Creating Quality Screen Printing Stencils with the Right Emulsion and Proper Coating

Before you can create high quality prints, you have to create high quality stencils. However, this is often easier said than done. There are many, many variables that go into creating the right stencil for the job, and some of these factors are easy to overlook. First, you need to right emulsion, then you need to apply it correctly.

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Choosing Color Separation Software
Choosing Color Separation Software for Your Screen Printing Shop

Color separations are part of the daily grind in any screen printing shop. If you’re finding that your manual separations are taking up too much of your time, or if you’re ready to graduate to more intricate prints that require more complicated separations, it might be time to invest in color separation software for your shop.

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