Essential Screen Printing Pre-Press Prep Habits Successful Printers Use
Essential Screen Printing Pre-Press Prep Habits Successful Printers Use

So much of your focus as a screen printer goes into perfect printing operations: Using the right off-contact, squeegee angle and pressure, and curing at the right temperature for the right amount of time. But when it comes to setting yourself up for the perfect press run, much of your success hinges on your screen printing pre-press operations.

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Keeping Tight Registration with Precise Off-Contact
Keeping Tight Registration with Precise Off-Contact

When it comes to presenting your customers with a finished product, you want to provide clean, crisp prints that accurately reflect their original designs. A lot goes into producing a quality print, but even if you have a top-of-the-line screen printing machine, the best inks and the perfect screens, you’re going to have a hard time keeping tight registration if you’re not accurately adjusting your off-contact for each job.

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Preparing Your Screen Printing Screens for Sharp Stencils
Preparing Your Screen Printing Screens for Sharp Stencils

The best screen printing results always begin with well-executed pre-press. It’s easy to think of your screen printing press as the backbone of your operation. But remember, a press can only deliver quality prints if it’s printing through quality screens. Your screens deserve as much attention as any other part of your setup, because no […]

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Up with Your Screen Printing Shop's Customer
How to Keep Up with Your Screen Printing Shop’s Customer Demand

Every print shop longs for a full schedule that keeps the presses running and revenue flowing. Keeping that full schedule isn’t only about hustling to find new customers and generate orders. A busy shop also requires efficiency to keep up with customer demand and keep production rolling.

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Make Your Shirts Your Own
Make Your Shirts Your Own with Custom Screen Printed Labels

When we talk screen printing, it’s easy to picture full-size, multicolor designs printed across the front or back of a t-shirt. But that’s not the only place you can show off your work! Whether you’ve got your own clothing brand or you’re printing shirts for a customer’s label, creating custom tags can be a cool way to add a professional look to your products.

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Turning Your Screen Printing Hobby into a Business
Turning Your Screen Printing Hobby into a Business

Screen printing makes an excellent hobby. If you’re creatively inclined, making a design and reproducing it on a shirt can be a very satisfying feeling. It’s even better when you share your work with friends and family! After awhile, you may find yourself wanting to spread your designs to an even wider audience.

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Type of Pallet adhesive. The right pallet adhesive goes a long way towards ensuring tight registration and quality prints.
Which Type of Pallet Adhesive Should You Use?

To get a crisp, clear screen print, you need to make sure your substrate will stay in place each time the squeegee strokes across the screen. That means using a pallet adhesive to hold your print materials in place.

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Make Your Screen Printing Business Stand
Make Your Screen Printing Business Stand Out from the Competition

Just like most other types of businesses, the field of screen printing is rife with competition. To succeed, you need to attract and retain customers. But how can you do that when other screen printing shops are offering similar services?

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Finding the Right Technique for Quality
Finding the Right Technique for Quality Manual Screen Prints

In the world of screen printing, a hot debate surrounds technique: Should you push or pull your squeegees on your manual screen printing machine? Some printers will argue that the best technique for manual screen printing is to pull your squeegee down the screen toward you in the traditional screen printing manner, while others will argue that pushing the squeegee away from your body is best.

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How to Mix Inks
How to Mix Inks for Successful Screen Printing

A high quality screen printing run depends on ink with the right color and the right consistency. Here are some tips for achieving that! Mixing inks can be one of the most stressful parts of screen printing. It involves trying to get the right ink color, texture and final effect. You can reduce the stress […]

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Tips for Reducing Downtime
Tips for Reducing Downtime at Your Screen Printing Shop

Despite your best efforts, a little downtime now and then is inevitable at your shop. Here are some ways you can keep it to a minimum! If your presses aren’t running, your screen printing shop isn’t making money. Whether from machine malfunctions or problems with a print job, downtime happens in a print shop. By […]

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3 Tips for Smart Market
3 Tips for Smart Market Research at Your Screen Printing Business

Whether you’re starting a new screen printing business or looking to expand your existing shop, the importance of conducting careful market research can’t be overstated. Market research gives you a picture of the landscape in which your business will operate, from the economic conditions of the industry to the demographics of your customers and the performance of your competition.

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