Revolucionando la industria de la serigrafía a través de tecnología de punta y servicio de calidad
Anatol Equipment Manufacturing Co.
1429 S Shields Dr
Waukegan, IL 60085
A comparison based on total cost of ownership and cost savings.
What screen printing press is better – a pneumatic machine or an electric machine? It’s one of the most frequent questions we hear from printers looking to add an automatic press to their operation.
Migrating away from pneumatic screen printing presses is one change that can make your screen printing operation more efficient and reduce your total cost of ownership. While the electric press has many obvious benefits – offering extreme precision and control and ultimately delivering high quality prints more consistently – defenders of pneumatic systems are determined to prove the all-electric machines offer no real cost-saving benefits.
In this eBook, using both technical analysis and the experience of real owners, we’ll show you the advantages of electric presses and how to make the best choice for your screen printing business. Whether you’re printing with a manual or automatic screen printing press now, if you’re looking to add an automatic press to your setup, let’s find the best solution for you!
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