Революция в индустрии трафаретной печати благодаря передовым технологиям и качественному обслуживанию
Anatol Equipment Manufacturing Co.
1429 S Shields Dr
Waukegan, IL 60085
How do you reclaim your screens? This might be one of the least liked jobs in the entire screen printing shop, which leads most screen printers to explore all screen cleaning options. If you’ve undertaken the search for the best way to reclaim your screens, you’ve likely come across the controversial dip tank. Some screen printers love them, touting them as time and supply savers, while other screen printers warn against them, saying they waist chemicals and produce hazardous waste.
Читать далееAn unmotivated staff can pose serious problems for your screen printing business. Only 33 percent of American workers report being fully engaged in their jobs, according to a Gallup report, and that majority of unmotivated workers results in more than $550 billion in lost productivity. A motivated staff keeps your screen printing shop running quickly and efficiently. And on top of that, happy, motivated employees help make your shop a pleasure to run and a pleasure to spend your work day in.
Читать далееMost screen printers enter the business and open their own shops because they’re passionate about making great prints, and they know that screen printing can be a profitable business year after year. But running a business, especially as that business grows and adds employees, is about so much more than making sales and delivering a product. Your business’s success depends on your ability to lead your team toward your business vision.
Читать далееPlastisol ink transformed the screen printing industry when it was introduced to the market in the 1970s. Since then, plastisol has become the industry standard. Why is plastisol ink so popular?
Читать далееWhen it comes to altering ink to get it to behave just how you want, ink additives can be invaluable. When you’re trying to get a print to look and feel just so, looking to create an eye-catching effect or printing on tricky substrates, screen printing ink additives are tools you can use to get your screen printing jobs to turn out just right.
Читать далееWhile scams and fraud meant to deprive people and businesses of their hard-earned money certainly aren’t a new concept, these days scams seem to be omnipresent. From over-the-phone scammers to credit card thieves, those who wish to do individuals and businesses harm make news daily.
Читать далееWhen you start your own screen printing business, you face many challenges: Procuring the right location, finding the right equipment and formulating a business plan that will help you meet your goals. One challenge that can stump even the most prepared entrepreneur might come as a surprise: Choosing a name.
Читать далееTri-blend shirts have become a major force in the fashion industry since their introduction a decade ago. In the custom apparel industry, tri-blend fabrics have become a customer favorite. But these blended garments present their unique blend of decorating challenges. To be able to profit from the popularity of tri-blend garments, screen printers have to know how best to print on them.
Читать далееThe demand for branded corporate apparel will never fade. Corporate uniforms, in particular, allow companies to create a cohesive look for their employees that solidifies the company image and helps customers identify company representatives.
Читать далееIn screen printing, your final product is only as good as your artwork. Working hard to eliminate artwork mistakes — which happen in even the most experienced shops — can help your shop produce higher quality prints with more consistency. To help you create better quality control in your art department, here are some common screen printing artwork mistakes to avoid.
Читать далееWould you like to decrease profit loss in your screen printing shop? Who wouldn’t! While there are limits on what you can do to reduce costs, one area you do have control over is quality control. In specific, you can save money and cut waste by reducing misprints.
Читать далееOperating a small apparel decorating business today presents a multitude of choices and dilemmas. It means running your operation in an era where there have never been more opportunities and challenges. If you’re an established shop owner, you may be anxious to see your business grow. However, first you need to determine whether you’re ready for growth.
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