Revolucionando la industria de la serigrafía a través de tecnología de punta y servicio de calidad
Anatol Equipment Manufacturing Co.
1429 S Shields Dr
Waukegan, IL 60085
To achieve any measure of financial success as a screen printer, you have to put maximum effort into marketing your business. So you’ve got a user- and search engine-friendly website, active social media channels, a content marketing strategy and some local advertisements – but you’re still falling short when it comes to generating new leads. What else […]
Leer másThese days, your screen print has to do more than look good; it has to feel good, too. With a few possible exceptions, such as athletic jerseys, consumers want a soft hand for their screen printed garments. With water-based inks or ink additives, that softer hand feel is easy to achieve when printing on a light garment. […]
Leer másWe’ve all seen typography fails: Ads or shirts whose lettering just doesn’t work. That could mean the spacing between letters makes the words hard to read, or easily misread; that the typeface and design don’t quite fit the message or branding; or that the design just looks “off.” While it’s easy to identify a typography […]
Leer másAre you equipping your employees to be the best at their jobs that they can be? Do they understand how their role fits into the overall operation of your screen printing business? If you’re not routinely implementing and refining a training program, the answer to those questions is likely no. It’s impossible to overstate how […]
Leer másAdvertising and marketing are expensive and time consuming. Of course, they’re necessary for helping your business to grow and flourish. But what if there was a way for you to advertise your screen printing business for little to no cost, and with more success? In fact, there is! When searching for new vendors or service […]
Leer másFor decades, wholesale garments were mostly a one-size-fits all proposition, with garments cut to fit men, and women left wearing baggy, oversized and ill-fitting garments. That changed, and for years, women’s garments were smaller (and often extremely fitted) versions of men’s garments. Now, garment decorators have a host of women’s styles to choose from — […]
Leer másWhat determines the success of your screen printing business? You might say it’s the ability to turn out the best prints on time to meet your customers’ needs and their deadlines. And while those are important parts of a successful screen printing business, there’s another factor that’s just as important: Connections. Your ability to connect with the […]
Leer másHeat presses are great tools to use to quickly and easily apply designs to apparel, accessories, mugs and other promotional items. As easy as the process is, there’s still a learning curve involved in applying heat transfers. Here are some of the most common heat transfer mistakes and how to avoid them. 1. Misplaced, crooked or backward […]
Leer másWhen you take up screen printing, you realize just how many factors go into creating great prints press run after press run. If you feel like you’re doing everything right but still end up with frequent misprints, smudges and other problems, it might help to take a look at some of the most common mistakes […]
Leer másWhen it comes to gig posters, what started as a simple way of advertising concerts has become an art form all its own. Modern gig posters are just as likely to be found hanging in a gallery or exhibition as they are to be found posted on the walls of a concert hall or theater. There […]
Leer másScreen printing makes an attractive option for people who would like to own and operate their own businesses. Screen printing is fun and creative, it offers many marketing opportunities, it can be run as a one-man operation and the equipment is small enough to set up in a garage, basement or spare room. For that […]
Leer másWhen you think of custom decorated apparel, band shirts are probably some of the first items that come to mind. Musicians and record labels use t-shirts – in addition to a huge variety of other custom products – to promote their albums and tours, making the music industry a huge market for screen printed goods. […]
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