Getting the Most out of Your Screen Printing Flash Cure
Getting the Most out of Your Screen Printing Flash Cure

When it comes to your screen printing production, a flash cure can either be your best friend or your worst enemy – it can be a big help or it can slow you down. Understanding the different types of flash units and their appropriate uses will help you get the most out of them.

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How to Hire and Retain the Best Employees
How to Hire and Retain the Best Employees in Your Screen Printing Shop

Most screen printers who open their own shops don’t come from a management background, and the hiring and retaining of good employees can be one of the most intimidating aspects of owning and operating your own business.

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Expanding Your Screen Printing Horizons with Hats and Posters
Expanding Your Screen Printing Horizons with Hats and Posters

When you think of screen printed products, shirts are probably the first item that comes to mind. But you definitely shouldn’t stop there! There’s a whole world of different materials waiting to be screen printed, and expanding your offerings will help you attract new customers and keep old ones coming back for more.

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How to Get Started With Specialty Inks
How to Get Started With Specialty Inks

In the screen printing world, a myth surrounds specialty inks. Screen printers often avoid puff, glow-in-the-dark, metallic and gel inks because they’re considered difficult to work with.

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Preparing Your Screens the Right Way
Emulsionando tus marcos correctamente: pasos

Now that you understand the different types of screen printing emulsions and have selected the right emulsion for your shop, it’s time to talk about using those emulsions the right way to prepare your screens for a successful print run.

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Understanding the Different Types of Screen Printing Emulsions
Tipos de emulsión para serigrafía, ¿Cuál elegir?

A quality screen print requires a quality stencil. That means using the right screen printing emulsion for your job. So what types of screen printing emulsions are there? How are they different? How do you determine which type of emulsion to use?

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Mastering White-On-Dark Screen Printing
Dominando la impresión de blancos sobre oscuros en serigrafía

Almost nothing poses as big of a challenge for screen printers as printing white ink on black or other dark-colored shirts. White-on-dark prints can come out rough, splotchy or blurry, and they can be challenging to fully cure.

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What You Need to Know About Four
Lo que necesita saber sobre la cuatricromía en la serigrafía

To create a photorealistic image in screen printing, most printers rely on four color process. That involves printing the four basic print colors — cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) — in fine, half-tone dots.

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Curado de la tinta a base de agua de la manera correcta

Water-based inks have grown in popularity due to their soft hand feel and lower environmental impact. For printers accustomed to plastisol inks, printing with water-based inks can provide some challenges because water-based inks don’t apply and react the same way plastisol inks do.

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¿Cómo elegir la malla en serigrafía? Recuento de malla.

For newer screen printers, choosing the right screen mesh count often presents the most concern and confusion. Because of that, many newer screen printers – as well as some more seasoned ones – often use the same medium-grade mesh counts for all jobs. While a mid-range 160 mesh screen will get you far with your printing, you’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t learn about and experiment with different screen mesh counts for different projects.

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Handle Customers Smoothly at Your Screen Printing Business
Handle Customers Smoothly at Your Screen Printing Business

Your screen printing business is nothing without its customers. However, from time to time you’ll come across some clients that are more difficult to deal with than others. Some might be impossibly picky; others may have unrealistic expectations for what you can deliver. The key to keeping customers happy is communication.

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Finding a Niche with Oversized and All-Over Screen Printing
Finding a Niche with Oversized and All-Over Screen Printing

Feeling squeezed by the restrictions of a standard-sized screen print? If your creativity can’t be contained in your usual print size, you may want to give oversized printing a try. To really push the envelope, you can print whole backs and fronts of shirts, or even try all-over printing.

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